Vaibhav Malhotra | BE-COE, Batch of 2022
“Do something, make a mistake, learn from it, and never do it again.”
Echoes Club interviewed Mr Vaibhav Malhotra, he is the Co-Founder of Lifeline Systems, a techno start-up. He is an inspiring entrepreneur, currently pursuing Computer Engineering. He is also an electronic engineer at the esteemed project “ThapSat”. He is highly skilled in robotics, and has participated in many events
Q- How did you come up with the idea of Lifeline Systems?
A-Any idea roots from necessity. The idea took birth on our way to college during quarantine. We noticed three guards measuring temperature, oxygen level, and writing those details respectively. We realized that it was an inefficient and slow process. If any person was COVID-positive, it will pose a threat to the guards and the students. Hence, we made a team, created a start-up and pitched the project idea.
Q- What problems did you face while launching Lifeline systems?
There were a lot of hurdles in the path. One of them was lack of contacts that led to people disregarding our idea. To overcome this, we consistently mailed the authorities, investors, and teachers. Another major problem was money management. Start-ups usually aren't profitable in the first two years but sticking with the drive, being focused, and always being on the lookout for investors, makes the process a lot easier.
Q-Do you think pandemic acted like a barrier or kick-starter for your start-up?
A- I think both. To our advantage, online resources have been easily accessible and time for research increased. We were, therefore, able to easily handle the software problems. On the downside, the hardware components were not as easily available. Although it created many roadblocks, it has been a great learning curve.
Q- Do you feel working for yourself is better than working for others?
A- I think everyone prefers working for themselves: no such pressure of deadlines, we don't have to work under anyone and we’re independent. Though there are indirect pressures, the satisfaction of working on one’s own terms is something unreal.
Q- What are the other projects that you are working on, and what are your plans?
A- One of the other projects that we are lately working on, is an app for women's safety. Another is a spider bot that would monitor patients at night in order to keep the nurses safe and help in providing medicines. It can be controlled from anywhere, given the internet connections; making it helpful in the post corona era. Other than that, we have one more project in the iteration phase. As for my plans, I am planning to pursue masters in robotics, from Germany.